A faint pulse echoes through the forest, the alluring sounds draw you slowly away from the beaten path. Dreamily you wander deeper into the trees, propelled on by the hypnotic bleeps. Suddenly a light flashes and the glowing entrance to a cave appears, the beat gets louder as you draw near. Overwhelmed by curiosity and completely forgetting the civilized world you drift down the bleary cave path until it opens into a wide cavern, lit only with torches and filled with an undulating mass of Avalonians. 2 futuristic gypsies control the throbbing rhythms of the pagan dance floor, tweaking wooden knobs on vine covered oscillators and arpeggiating the crowd into madness.
if music posted is disagreeable for reasons legal or otherwise please email me at jmatt86@gmail.com and it will be removed. if you like it buy the record or cd or mp3. its far more rewarding.
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